How do I favorite a store I go to regularly?

We love making it simple for you to order from your favorite stores on joe. To make your experience even smoother and help you save time in the morning, we offer several easy ways to mark your favorite local coffee shops in the app.

Pin a Store

When browsing stores under the Discover tab, you’ll notice a pin icon in the upper-right corner of the storefront banner. Tap this icon to "pin" the store to your account and save it as a favorite. Once pinned, the store will automatically appear under the Loyalty tab for quick access.

Upload a Balance

Another great way to keep a shop in your rotation is by uploading funds for a specific store. This creates a dedicated page for that shop under the Loyalty tab, allowing you to order ahead with ease anytime. You can do this by:

  1. Going to the storefront you want to order from under the Discover tab
  2. Click into the storefront
  3. Select Purchase Loyalty Card
  4. Input the amount you want to upload and choose your payment method
  5. Press Pay

Favorite a Drink/Food Item

You can also favorite a specific drink or food item by tapping the heart icon. This way, baristas can quickly add your favorite items at checkout with a single tap.