Manage Rewards Card Deals

About Rewards Cards

joe Rewards Cards take the coffee shop gift card experience to the next level. When customers opt in to loyalty and associate their Rewards membership to their gift card transaction, their card becomes a Reward Card which unlocks perks exclusive to rewards members.

Perks include the ability to pay in-person and digitally, as well as view the gift card balance and instantly reload from their joe Coffee app.

About Deals

Additionally, you as a coffee shop owner can incentivize these Rewards customers to reload their card balance with Deals.

Deals such as "upload $50 and get $60" or "load $100 and get $110" encourage loyalty to your shop, as well as give the benefits of cash up front for your business.

In this article we'll address:

  • Creating a Rewards Card Deal
  • Editing a Deal
  • Deleting a Deal

To create a Gift Card Deal:

  1. From a desktop or web browser, log in to your new Merchant Manager account
  2. From your joe coffee app, tap your profile picture in the top right hand corner of your My Joe page
  3. Tap the red Owner Mode button to take you to your Merchant Manager dashboard
  4. From the menu drop down, select the Marketing tab
  5. Scroll to Manage Deals and tap the "+"
  6. Add you desired "Upload Amount" and "Amount to Get" followed by Add
  7. Tap Add to save and activate your deal

To edit a Gift Card Deal

  1. From the Manage Deals module select the pencil icon of the deal you would like to edit
  2. Edit the Upload Amount and Amount to Get
  3. Tap Save

To delete a Gift Card Deal

  1. From the Manage Deals module, swipe left on the deal you would like to delete
  2. Tap the red trash can icon to delete