How to create and invite user to Merchant Manager

We understand that inviting and creating users to Merchant Manager is an asset in managing who get's access to what tools. We have three roles in User Creation with their own permissions for your team:

  • Owner Mode - Full Access
  • Manager Role - Access to all expect Settings and Delete User
  • Barista Role - Only access to Clock in/Clock Out on the Point of Sale

To find the Users Tab you must follow these three steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Tap on the Teams and Roles tab
  3. Tap the USERS tab at the top of the screen

Editing an existing User

  1. Click the pencil icon to edit the users information. You will be able to edit the phone number, roles, email and compensation. If you enter a phone number that already exists when editing their number you will see an error. Here is where a role can be edited if you are promoting a Barista to a Manager level and you would like them to have access to Merchant Manager.

Please note: That Manager's will have access to Insights & Reporting if given access to Merchant Manager

Creating a user

If you want to create a team member's profile in your database for Barista or Manager information. Simply click on the Create User to open up the user creation profile module.

Things to consider:

  1. When you enter a phone number that already exists in our database you will see their name and email address will auto-populate.
  2. Entering Compensation is for internal use only and does not impact payroll
  3. Roles can be given at a store level or company wide level
  4. An employee can have more than one role. For example an Owner can also be a Barista who clocks in and out

Once you select the desired role you will then select what stores you'd like to apply this too. You will be able to select what store this employee has access too.

Sending an invitation

Once you have entered the the required information you will select "Save & Send Invite" this will then prompt an SMS text message based on the employee roles.

Things to consider:

  1. You will notice that the pin for your login at the register will be the same as the pin for your store gift card.
  2. You will receive different messages based on Barista or Manger Roles

If you are granted the Manager or Owner role you will be granted this permission.

If you are granted only Barista role access to the store then you will see this message:

Once you are invited to the proper store location and company you will see a notification appear in your Merchant Manager and you will accept invitation to then get access to the Merchant Manager tool.

  1. Click on the link listed in the SMS Message
  2. Login using your phone number
  3. Accept Invitation found in the Alert Bell icon

If you have any questions about Merchant Manager and would like to connect with our team, email us at