Make sure your card reader is properly charged. The lights indicate the battery level with 4 lights is 100%, 3 lights is 75% and 2 lights is 50%.
Never forget the device if it has already paired to the device. This will prolong the pairing process and might require resetting the card reader.
Turn off the card reader by pressing the power button until you see the lights turn 4, 3, 2, 1 to indicate power is off. Then tap the power button and then select add card reader.
If steps 1 through 3 do not work. Please reset the card reader by placing a pin or sharp object into the reset port found next to the charging port.
If you have TWO Registers. Make Sure your CARD READER is properly PAIRED TO THE CORRECT DEVICE. You can verify by find the Serial number on the back of the the CARD READER. It should start with STRM and can be verified by the last 4 DIGITS.
Customer Tablet and Barista Tablet are not communicating?
Make sure both devices have a strong internet connection. Tab the WiFi icon on the bottom left on the iPad joe Merchant PLUS App screen to run a diagnostic.
Ensure the Customer Tablet is properly paired with the Barista POS Device. If by any chance you deleted the joe POS app on the iPad you will have to do the same for the customer facing screen and pair it the current device version.
To verify internet on Android device make sure to go to your settings on the device and select connections indicate it is properly connected.
Troubleshoot Printer connection?
Bluetooth printers MUST be connected the DEVICE BLUETOOTH Settings before it can connect to the joe POS.
Once it is connected, then you can go to the joe POS then select settings and select printers and review connection status.
If you have an Ethernet Printer you NEED to make sure the DEVICE and the PRINTER are on the SAME Wifi. If you have two WiFi's and one is 5g and the other is 2.4G you need make sure it is connected to the SAME EXACT Wifi.
Also make sure the Bluetooth Device is not connected to any other device at the coffee shop. The Bluetooth printer can only be connected to ONE DEVICE at a time.
Never FORGET THE DEVICE on the iPad BLUETOOTH Settings. If you do and have done this, PLEASE go ahead and RESET the printer by placing a pin in the RESET port found on the back of the printer.
Cash Till didn't calculate all my cash sales?
Cash Closing Balance Report will ONLY calculate cash sales that were processed once the CASH TILL has been OPENED. If you processed a cash sale without an open register then the TOTAL Cash Sales will not include the Cash Processed and Aligned.
Ensure the Cash Till Feature is Required in your joe POS Settings found under Features.
Make sure to review "Payment Summary" found under your earning and deposits section.
Cash Sales in the report also include TAX on the order.
Customer Ticket doesn't populate name?
The customer may have rewards in the system associated to their phone number but has not downloaded joe or have not added their name to their account.
Please inform them to redeem rewards they must download the joe Order App or if they do have a joe account then prompt them to add a name.
Troubleshooting the consumer app?
Please send any consumer issues to and let your customers know they can reach out accordingly.
Make sure they close and re-open the app
If step #2 fails simply have them uninstall and reinstall
If step # 3 Doesn't work, make sure they check their connection and service.
Troubleshooting Gift Cards?
If the recipient didn't receive and SMS from joe. The SENDER could share the redemption code from their SMS confirmation from joe.
Make sure the Phone # the customer sent the gift card too was properly inputted.
If the sender sent it to the wrong phone # then contact and we can make the edits to the number so the redemption code can be properly redeemed and associated to the correct phone #.